Monday, September 28, 2015

New podcast home

Talking about a Podcast

I'm going to do it. Well, I'm going to ask permission from my professor to do it. Everyone's talking about podcasts, and no one likes the sound of their own voice more than me. Just ask my students.  But I do, hereby solemnly swear, to use my voice for good... or at least to push forward dialogue.

I teach exceptional learners. They do not follow the pace, path, or assumptions of modern day education. So I have to be inventive and patient. Let's see if I can use my voice in the form of a podcast to connect home, school, and education in a positive way.

I think I can.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Tech Talk

I am a fan of technology... I enjoy the ease and connectivity that my devices afford me. But how can I use them more than they use me? How can I use them in my classroom to reach a generation that is growing up in a time I never had to understand??

Tech that I think I'll use:
Google Drive
Google... Google... Google.

It helps to be married to someone who embraces tech and the marriage between tech and education. We toss around ideas like Gamification in the classroom, how apps can help me structure my routines, the application of assistive tech for my exceptional learners... the conversations go on and on. But how do I stay not only current but relevant??

Starting point of things to try:

Let's see where this takes me!